Maureen Walker presents Overdue: Confronting Race and Racism in Newton

Join Maureen Walker, a licensed psychologist, speaker, educator, and writer who helps people bridge cultural differences such as race, religion, gender and other social status markers for this important education session. Ms. Walker will speak about her new book, When Getting Along is Not Enough: Reconstructing Race in Our Lives and Relationships. Register here. Please note, registration […]

Fighting Time” Book Talk with Isaac Knapper and Amy Banks, hosted by Sheryl Rosner

Join us for a virtual book talk, as co-authors Dr. Amy Banks and Isaac Knapper discuss "Fighting Time", likely to become one of the most gripping and important social justice books of our time. As a sixteen-year-old boy Isaac was arrested, tried as an adult and wrongfully convicted of the murder of Amy's father, a […]

Rooted in Relationship

Rooted in Relationship: Building an Integrated Model for the Treatment of Eating Disorders" International Center for Growth in Connection presents: Giving Voice to Connection: An ICGC Colloquium . Featuring Gayle Brooks & Melanie Smith. This virtual event is free registration is required by 3/22. RSVP to to receive the Zoomlink

Rewire Your Brain for Stronger, More Rewarding Relationships NASW-MA 2021 Annual Symposium

The National Association of Social Workers, MA Chapter has officially rescheduled Symposium 2020: Voices of Empowerment and Social Justice, as a virtual conference, on Thursday, April 15, and Friday, April 16, 2021, with keynote speaker Dr. Joy DeGruy. All participants have received noticed that ALL registration items (including workshops and intensive selections) have automatically transferred […]